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« She's Here!! Welcome sweet Violet.... | Main | We will never forget.... »


Tara R.

Oh the sweetness! Olive looks like she's already a wonderful little helper.


Congratulations, dear Joy. How blessed you are.



I see a lifetime of love in Olive's eyes as she looks at her little sister for the first time.

Beautiful pictures.Give Jory and her husband our very best wishes and congratulations.

Cop Car

Two little sweeties. Beautiful!

Beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing.


Goodness, the internet is wonderful. Thank you so much for posting these. So glad to see everyone is so healthy and well!!Love to Jory, Jesse and the girls XX


That's so precious. It brought a smile to my face.


Dear Joy ~~ What beautiful photos of the two sisters and doesn't Olive look so happy. I hope they will always be happy together and congratualtions to Jory and Jesse and you. Much Love, Merle.

Isabel Ahlgren

Thanks, Joy! I've been waiting for those lovely pictures. Thanks for letting us all shareyour family.

Grammy E

Congratulations, seems like time flew by fast. She is beautiful.


What sweet little girls and their pretty mama! You are a lucky woman, Joy.


Dear Joy ~~ Iam so glad you got some laughs from my last post. And many thanks for your kind words dear friend. I enjoyed seeing these two little cuties again.Take care Joy.
Love you, Merle.

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