I read an article the other day about ‘The 4 Things That Will Kill You.’ Gee, anyone want to take a stab at what those might be? They’re all bad habits. Now I’ve probably given it away for sure….yep, smoking, drinking too much alcohol, poor diet and inactivity. As for me…well, two out of four ain’t bad.
To be more specific….the risky habits were smoking tobacco, drinking more than three alcoholic drinks per day for men and more than two daily for women; getting less than two hours of physical activity per week; and eating fruits and vegetables less than three times a day.
I’ve never smoked; and that’s amazing for someone who came from a home with two heavy-smoking parents and also marrying a heavy smoker. It just never appealed to me….the taste, the smell; no, I managed to think of a lot better things to put in my mouth.
Which leads me to my first bad habit….poor diet.
I’ve never particularly liked drinking alcohol; again, the taste just didn’t appeal to me. I have this gigantic ‘sweet tooth,’ and alcohol never filled that need. Even when I indulged at a party or special event and someone made a sweeter drink for me, I wound up nursing it for the whole evening. Now if there was a plate of cookies or some cake sitting out; that’s another story.
And my second checkmark on this list….inactivity; but this has really only been in the last few years since my addiction to the computer. I know I don’t need to explain that one to any of you. I was pretty active up until I stopped working at my outside job five years ago. I’ve gotten lazy and complacent about some things. I was doing a good job of walking every day for a while until I hurt a muscle in my hip/back about 1 ½ years ago. When my hip was better….I got lazy about walking. I made sure I kept doing the exercises from my therapist every day to keep the muscles in my back limber... especially since I sit so long at this computer; but my walking suffered, and I've never gotten my focus back. I’m hoping to get inspired again and get out there…my body did feel better.
This article went on to say that the findings were from a study that tracked nearly 5,000 British adults for 20 years….20 years, Cripes! 314 people studied had all four unhealthy habits. Among them, 91 died during the study. (Well, if I was being tracked for 20 years about every bad habit I had…I think I could safely add STRESS to the mix….and did anyone take into consideration that ‘it was just their time?’) Among the 387 healthiest people with none of the four habits, only 32 died.
These habits combined greatly increased the risk of death and made people who engaged in them seem 12 years older than people in the healthiest group. (Well, that explains a few things when I look in the mirror.)
The healthiest group included people who never smoked and those who had quit; teetotalers, women who had fewer than two drinks a day and men who had less than three; those who got at least two hours of physical activity weekly; and those who ate fruit and vegetables at least three times a day. (How perfect can anyone expect us to be? I guess they are out there.) They do say you don’t need to be ‘extreme’ to be in the healthy category. (Well, that’s good to know…apparently, I don’t do extremes.)
Oh, and speaking of the #1 bad habit….smoking; I also read an article that Chinese scientists have found a good use for cigarette butts: rustproofing steel. Well, constantly being reminded what it can do to our bodies; we shouldn’t be surprised, should we?
A Chinese scientist and his colleagues used a mixture of butts and distilled water on a type of steel used in oil pipes. The mixture protects the steel from rusting…even under harsh conditions.
Nine chemicals, including nicotine, have an anti-corrosion effect. (Too bad it can’t do something similar for us mere mortals; we could use a little anti-corrosion.)
More than 4 trillion butts that contain toxins that can kill fish and harm the environment are tossed away every year.
I wonder what percentage WE are.
I think I need to go for a walk.... oops, it's too late now. Stay well and happy....and don’t read too many studies. Love, Joy
I have or had all those bad habits.It is really too bad that cigs don't have that anti-corrosion ability in human arteries!! LOL
Posted by: kenju | May 22, 2010 at 07:06 AM
I never smoked. (My parents did.) I'm a teetotaler. (People find that hard to beleve.)
When I realized I was sitting at the computer way too long, I did get active at the gym, but I can't get a handle on eating too much. I eat healthy, but I also love the good stuff.
I did read a statement once, though. It said, "Eat right, die anyway."
One of my best friends who did everything right...she walked, ate lots of fiber, have an extensive breast exam at a cancer center every six months since she lost her sister to that, and was diagnosed with colon cancer in September...died in June. She did everything right. Bummer.
Posted by: Beverly | May 22, 2010 at 01:40 PM
I am through paying attention to good advice. I have always practiced moderation in all things and enjoy a Snickers bar without guilt.
Sure, I'm inactive and eat too many sweets, but nobody gets out of this world alive and I'm going to enjoy what time I have left.
Posted by: Darlene | May 22, 2010 at 05:40 PM
I keep telling myself I'll start exercising again... but it's either too cold, too hot, my back/knees/feet hurt. I just need to suck it up and walk it off.
Posted by: Tara R. | May 23, 2010 at 06:31 AM
Just yesterday I thought I might start drinking Kahula while smoking chocolate cigars (yes there are chocolate flavored tobacco seegars) while sitting in front of the computer.
Being fit isn't all its cracked up to be. Being unfit is fun.
I am a firm believer in fun.
Posted by: goinglikesixty | May 23, 2010 at 10:21 AM
My husband and I agree: Like the shark, one must move to live. Start with gentle yoga and water aerobics. Walk a lot. Get over it about what your body looks like. Senior centers are great places to be around others who are not buff either.
Don't diet or think that weight loss or being thin are the important things to aim for.
And be good to yourself!!!
Posted by: Hattie | May 23, 2010 at 12:21 PM
What Darlene said... I could not say it any better or any differently.....
Posted by: Nancy | May 23, 2010 at 02:36 PM
I'm snickering because Darlene has, even more than I, outlived her projected life span at birth. We must be doing something right!
Posted by: Cop Car | May 24, 2010 at 11:58 AM
I say: Carpe Diem.
Don't wait until you never can do it once more;)
Posted by: TorAa | May 24, 2010 at 12:29 PM
I also have 2 of four, and the same ones as you. I have lots of dreams of change, but they never seem to happen. Follow through is a bit of a problem, I guess. Moderation in exercise and activity is just as valid as moderation in eating and drinking.
Posted by: chlost | May 26, 2010 at 05:13 PM