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Consider yourself high-fived!!
Good questions all, but the one I identify with the most is why do banks charge fees for insufficient funds??? It makes no sense to add fuel to the fire!!

Tara R.

Fabulous list! I found myself nodding and agreeing with them all...

High Five!


High five,shive--I'll raise it to high ten. You did it again.

Kay Dennison

LOL Excellent questions!!!! And yeah, I sure can identify with most of 'em!


These are your funniest yet. How many times have I gone to the fridge looking for that treat I know isn't there? Or given the vacuum a second chance?


All great thoughts to ponder. And I will do so. I have expecially wondered about Tarzan and the lack of beard.

Have a great day
And the refrigerator thing - I've done that myself


Dear Joy ~~ Those were all very funny. O liked the cartoon of the little boy on top of the little girl
How funny.
Thanks for the comments, Faith is a wonderful dog and his owner/trainer
very patient and has done a great job. I am almost through my busy week, Jacqui comes tomorrow and I see doctor. Then 2 cousins are coming for a few days. Take great care, dear Joy. Much love, Merle.


Thanks for the "lift of spirit".

air jordan  shoes

Have a great day
And the refrigerator thing - I've done that myself

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