I think it’s safe to say that I’ve officially become the laziest person I know when it comes to cooking anymore. Well, maybe it’s a tie between me and my long-time friend, Carole. She always tells me that she never cooks a thing anymore, and can barely stand to heat something up in the microwave these days. Okay, she might be a little worse than me since my microwave and I are still on speaking terms...and once in a while my oven and I get reacquainted. But I swear, if things continue as they are….I’ll be the first person to use Map Quest to find my way to the kitchen. Shameful.
I've never been in love with cooking. I’ve wanted to be; and always wished I had more of a natural talent and interest in it. I LOVE FOOD. I certainly appreciate a good meal; sadly, only too well. And…I appreciate and admire anyone who cooks those beautiful meals in the blink of an eye with barely a mussed hair on their heads. Somehow that was NEVER me.
My introduction into the world of cooking was thrust upon me when I got married….low those many moons ago. I wasn’t entering married life with a lot of culinary experience back in 1968. When I said ‘I do,’ I was hoping they weren't talking about cooking. My mother was a pretty fair cook I thought for someone who basically prepared meals for a ‘meat and potatoes’ kind of man like my dad....and a rather finicky eater like moi. We had a lot of steak, pork chops, roasts and Italian pasta dishes from what I can remember. Mom wasn't a gourmet cook, and didn’t experiment very much outside of her little box. She also didn’t sit me down and share what cooking knowledge she did have...I don’t think it ever crossed her mind. Although I was into baking at that time, I was too busy with other things to even ask, and was happy to leave it that way. Besides, my mom wasn't the most patient person in the world when it came to explaining things to people. Where do you suppose I learned about the 'birds and bees?' Not from mom's lips. I rest my case.....but that's another post.....
So when time came, I imagined I was going to ‘wing it’ for my hubby and I…and hope I didn’t kill us in the process. Joel was a good sport and never gave me flack over any naivete I may have had in the kitchen. Maybe because I actually made some decent meals back then…and he wasn’t hard to please. He even liked helping out in the kitchen. Well, you know when you’re first married…everything is new and wonderful and life is looked at through ‘rose-colored’ glasses. When you're young, you bank a lot on love. Besides, I think I was actually more into cooking and figuring out meals when it was just the two of us way back then.
It wasn’t long, however, when the two of us became the three of us…then the five of us…and finally the six of us. There were times when I thought Joel and I hardly got to know each other as husband and wife before little feet were running all over the place. It was what it was…and I loved being a mom; even if there were days when I didn’t know up from down.
Needless to say, this was the busiest and most productive time I’ve ever spent in the kitchen. Whether I liked it or not….meals had to be made, and made well. With a husband and four kids depending on me….there was no room for fooling around. Being a pretty organized person most of my life surely helped keep me sane and on track. I probably learned more about cooking during those years when my kids were young…and growing, than any other time in my life. I tried things that I never tried before…and probably haven’t tried since. I made myself step ‘out of my little box,’ and it felt good. I was always delighted when everyone liked what I made…even a little surprised.
I wonder if my kids remember those times as fondly as I do. When they got older and everyone had schedules to keep and places to be, we ordered out or picked food up often. And though my kids loved when we did that, it probably was the start of MY downfall into the cooking death abyss.
It only got worse when one by one my kids went off to college and I was left with just Joel and I to cook for. We were back to the two of us again; but where was the exuberance I once felt as that young bride? I guess I lost some of that verve and vigor over those past twenty-five years. And worse yet; after all those years of raising kids and working out of our home for ten years with our advertising agency; I hesitantly took a job outside the house again...at the urging, almost pleading, of at least a couple of my 'now adult' children. It seems they were concerned that my brain would turn into mush...and that I needed some healthy outside stimulation on a daily basis now that they all were gone. Huh, too late! Poor Joel. When I think of how good he was about the diminishing homemade meals and not ever complaining, it almost brings tears to my eyes. ALMOST!
Let’s face it; when you go back to work at 47 years old after years of having the comfort, leeway and control of determining how your days will be spent, preparing a nice homemade dinner every night is hardly at the top of your priority list. Joel knew me very well….well enough to know that it was NOT something to hassle me about. The two of us were pretty tired by the time we both got home from work. Besides, he was thrilled I was working at a good job…and enjoying it. But….I was falling deeper into the no-cooking abyss….
Now here I am; four and a half years after Joel’s death….and my kitchen and I are like strangers. Grand Central Station has turned into a bit of a ghost town. Not even Joel to visit there anymore and make one of his many concoctions….and inevitable messes.
Passing through I put the tea kettle on and run a load of dishes. I fill up the paper towel container, take the garbage out, and wipe off the sink. Before starting back upstairs to where I really live….my computer room, I grab my cup of tea, a yogurt, and some cheese; and gently pat the door handle of my oven.
I'm doing the same thing. I am a very good cook and I really love to cook.....when there is someone to cook for. For just me....not so much. I can make do with a bowl of cereal and won't have to deal with the mess of clean-up. I think I cook a meal about once a week now....sometimes less. I cook it and then have the leftovers for 2 days. LOL Of course if family comes to dinner, then we go all out.
You were a beautiful bride, you sweet little thing. Oh...those were the days weren't they. I got married 5 years prior to you.
Posted by: Val | April 30, 2010 at 08:23 PM
Dear Joy ~~ Lovely photo of you and Joel. I am so glad he helped you in the early days. I didn't know a lot either, but replied on recipe books, which I still like today and I watch cooking shows on TV. Thank you for your kind words and I am so glad that you enjoyed the I Believes and the Parent Poem. I had my hair cut and felt better for it.
My weekend is half over as I am about to go to bed at 11.50 Sat.night. Take care, Have a lovely weekend. Much love, Merle.
Posted by: Merle | May 01, 2010 at 08:50 AM
My wife knew very little about cooking when we were first married. After 40+ years we still share the duties of the kitchen.It was ojt for both of us.She lets me stay out of her way these days.She will then I will next time .I am blessed that she still puts up with me.I don't know what I would do with out her c
Posted by: tee | May 01, 2010 at 05:19 PM
This post made me smile. xoxoxox.
Posted by: Denise | May 01, 2010 at 05:23 PM
Dear Joy,
You were a beautiful bride with a very handsome groom. I also loved the picture of the kids.
They are all so cute but I think your boy did not like the taste of whatever it was he had just eaten..He has a sweet little sour puss....
Posted by: Nancy | May 01, 2010 at 05:33 PM
A beautiful bride like you and a handsome groom had other things on their minds other than cooking.
Posted by: chancy | May 01, 2010 at 09:46 PM
I still have a couple men folk to cook for... who LOVE to eat. My kitchen and I are still on pretty good speaking terms.
Of my two kids, it was my son, and not my daughter, who showed more than a passing interest in cooking. Now away at college and having to prepare meals herself, I get phone calls a lot from her asking things like how to bake a potato or if she doubles a recipes, does she double the cooking time.
It all makes me smile...
Posted by: Tara R. | May 02, 2010 at 07:18 AM
Joy--Personally, I did enough cooking before I left home to last me the rest of my life. I've threatened for the last 40 years that, the next house I built would have no kitchen. However, looking at re-sale, I always crumble. *smiling*
Unfortunately, Hunky Husband (whose sister owns a specialty bakery and used to own a deli - in St Louis), hasn't the least interest in cooking but has much interest in eating. I, myself, like to eat - but the food need not be cooked to please me! I did no cooking for myself during the 11 years that HH and I were divorced, and no cooking for myself when HH is out of town.
I understand that we are all different, but I always thought that there must be something wrong with anyone who liked to cook! *still smiling*
Posted by: Cop Car | May 02, 2010 at 09:22 AM
I know I cook a lot more now than I did when it was just me to cook for. Goodness knows what I'll be like when/if it's just me again.
Posted by: jen | May 03, 2010 at 01:39 AM
I love to cook. It's recreation and relaxation to me. But I think we women can get into a double bind where we are supposed to cook hearty meals for spouses and children but not to eat ourselves, for fear of gaining weight.
Posted by: Hattie | May 04, 2010 at 03:07 AM
the only reason i have a kitchen is that it came with the house ;}
Posted by: patty | May 04, 2010 at 02:36 PM
First, I must say that you and Joel were a very handsome couple. What a beautiful bride and your daughters look like you; lucky for them.
The only cooking I did prior to getting married, was help my step-father fry chicken on Mother's Day and baking oatmeal cookies.
My husband had eaten many meals at my mother's table before we married and he thought I would be a good cook like my mother. More fool him; he was not pleasantly surprised to find out that I couldn't boil water without burning the tea kettle up. For the first few months our meals were a disaster of burned food or undercooked meat. Eventually, I caught on and did turn out some passable meals, but I was far from being a gourmet cook.
Like you, I would starve now if it weren't for the microwave.
Posted by: Darlene | May 05, 2010 at 11:41 AM
I hate cook, it's harm, expecially to women. I hate the oil smoke
Posted by: shox R4 | May 05, 2010 at 09:40 PM
I love to cook. Luck for me. Don loves to eat. So that works out well. And I didn't learn my cooking skills from my Mother. I think she could go a year without an onion in the house. I couldn't go a week without onions - maybe not even a day.
It's good that you like yogurt and cheese. They sustain life, you know. And maybe a bit of peanut butter too.
Have a great day!
Posted by: cassie-b | May 06, 2010 at 11:06 AM