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It is indeed a bittersweet anniversary, isn't it. Much joy to you, dear Joy. I'm so glad I found your blog, though only recently. I hope you blog for a long time.


You don't look a day over 3!

a haiku 4 u

Glad you did a blog
Always so joyful and sweet,
helps me to unclog.


Happy Blogiversary. Every now and then, I think I'll stop blogging. No ideas, no energy, no time. But, then, the Republicans do another really stupid thing, and I'm off and running again. I don't consider mine a political blog, though. Just a place to whine and bitch about whatever is bugging me, sometimes. It's just a coinkydink that it's usually the Republicans. lol

Average Jane

Happy 4th bloggiversary!


Happy blogiversary. xoxoxox


Well Happy Blogiversary Joy. I think I started reading just after Joel's passing.

You were one of my first blogging friends believe it or not, and you will continue to stay on my reading list as long as this old internet thing continues to work.

I don't comment a lot but know I'm reading when you do.


Happy blogiversary. *hugs*

Tara R.

Yes! Happy Blogaversary! Four years is wonderful, and to be a part of BlogHer from the beginning, that is amazing.

The community you spoke of has been the very best part of blogging for me. I know I have formed friendships I will have for many years to come.


Awww geez Joy, you are the one to get weepy...not me. I didn't ever hear the whole 2005 story. Sigh. Reminds me of my dad (no doctor, feel fine, just a cold.) sigh.

Happy blogiversary though. I am glad you are here.


Happy Blogaversary! You've been through a lot. And I'm glad the blogging was a bit helpful.

It's so hard to lose someone you love.



Happy 4th Joy, mine was in April but I forgot all about it, I coming up on 1000 posts I may make mention of that perhaps.


Happy 4th Blogaversary,Joy.

I always enjoy your poetry and pictures and just YOU....

Here's to many more years!


Wow, 4 years already. I still remember finding out about your blog on Pause. Happy blogiversary.


HAPPY BLOGIVERSARY, Joy!! You and I have been at it for almost the same length of time. It has made a huge difference in my life - as has reading all the others I have come to know and love (you included!)


Congratulations, Joy. Great to read this tonight as a reminder that I've come a long way too. Thanks for that reminder, and long may you blog.


Happy Blogiversary, Joy. You are the sweetest blogger on the Internet and I love you along with chocolate.

Blogging has been my lifesaver, too, and I can empathize with you.

I hope you continue to blog for many, many happy years. Congratulations on a job well done!!!

Cop Car

What you'll never know, Joy, is how much you've lived up to your name in adding to the lives of others. Thanks for your contributions to my life! Happy anniversary and smooth sailing through your fifth (pun intended).


Joy: I did not know about the sad events in your life. I agree with you that blogging can be a lifesaver. Happy Anniversary!


Dear Joy ~~ Congratulations on your 4th Blogiversary, my 4th is 24Dec.O5
I am so glad blogging helped you.
Thank you so much for your kind words about my fall, and I was not hurt. I am thankful for my pendant. Shopping day, my carer brings it all in, I just have to put it away, but will be more careful. John got a kilo weight for me to exercise my arms, so hope it helps. Take great care, dear friend, Much love, Merle.

Junie Rose

Congrats, Joy!

I don't go back quite as far as you- but almost! It will be 4 years for me on Jan. 16, 2010. And you were one of my first blogging buddies too! :)



It's been "pure joy" getting to know you and your family through your blog, Joy. A group of us seemed to have started around the same time. Such a hit-or-miss community in many way, but I've loved meeting folks I would've never met if not for blogging. Congratualtions! (And I still miss Winston, too.)

Floral Joy

Congratulations. I love reading your blog. You're such a strong woman :)Happy belated bloggiversary

Jory Des Jardins


I always wished you had a place other than your dresser drawer for your writing. I am so glad you migrated from my comments section to your own site. Now you can kick my butt into gear!


Belated congrats on your 4th blogging anniversary! My experience was a little different than yours as I only commented excessively on others blogs for awhile, but emailed like a mad woman avoiding lots before accidentally starting a blog. Glad you were able to get so much from your blogging and you could share some of that experience with your husband who enjoyed it with you before he died.


Dear Joy,
I have had the pleasure to read your very great blog for some years now. And I allways come back. And will in the future as well.
You are an unique storyteller.
When I did visit Suzann, in St Paul, last year, we talked about you and your blog. Small world.
Sorry we could not meet then.

Your story about your late husband, it's typical for many men, right?

Your daughters effeort and now also you, on the womens blog is very important. And I wish you the very best, helping women in need for help.

T in Norway

Annie Hall

I haven't kept up my blog or commented in awhile, but I still visit your world and wanted to say hi and congratulations.

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